Fat bikes su vrsta bicikla koji omogućavaju vožnju po površinama na kojim prethodno to nije bilo moguće. Fat bikes postoje već skoro desetljeće no dio biciklističkog mainstreama su postali tek unazad dvije godine zbog svoje svestranosti i uporabe u ekstremnim utrkama. Prednosti bicikla s debelim gumama su: veći grip zbog same veličine guma i zbog mogućnosti vožnje s nižim pritiskom tlaka u gumama što uzrokuje da veća površina gume dolazi u kontakt s podlogom, u uvjetima snijega ili na pješčanim ... Pročitaj nastavak
Nakon duge pauze od osam godina u Zagreb se vratio Auto Show. Tijekom šest dana Auto Show je posjetilo oko 140.000 posjetitelja, s obzirom na to da su posjetitelji bili iz cijele Hrvatske i susjednih zemalja ipak se radi o respektabilnoj brojci, čak i u usporedbi s nekim državama koje imaj jaku auto-moto industriju poput Njamačke i Italije. U segmentu automobila mogli su se pogledati modeli koji su do sada bili prikazani samo u Ženevi, poput Rimčeva Concep-S-a, Seat Atece, ... Pročitaj nastavak
The emotion has only one name: Benelli TNT R. A real gem for performance and style, a motorcycle with strong character, able to conquer the genuine bikers. TNT R is a delight for those who wants to enjoy riding a two wheels, where find a unique feeling. With its oversquare 1131cc triple cylinder engine producing 158 hp (116 kW) at 10,200 rpm and 120 Nm (12.2 kg/m) at 8,400 rpm, the TNT R is truly one of the most exhilarating ... Pročitaj nastavak
Udruga Sigurnost u prometu (SUP) jučer je organizirala okrugli stol na temu ''Stanje sigurnosti cestovnog prometa u RH i EU''. Povod je taj jer je u 2015. godini poginulo 358 osoba, što je čak 40 osoba (13.4 posto) više nego u 2014., a za 28 osoba više od očekivanog prema Nacionalnom programu sigurnosti cestovnog prometa RH (NPSCP). Ovime je ugroženo i ostvarivanje konačnog cilja NPSCP-a za 2020. godinu od 213 poginulih osoba. Ukupna brojka prometnih nesreća za prošlu godinu iznosi ... Pročitaj nastavak
The New Brutale 800 changes completely to remain loyal to itself, and to its ability to amaze and conquer new generations of enthusiasts. Style, engine, equipment and chassis are all called into question again with the aim of creating the best Brutale of all time. Today, fifteen years after its first appearance, the New Brutale 800 is once again taking on the future. Fully redesigned and yet still tied to its origins, the New Brutale 800 is more effective on ... Pročitaj nastavak
Novi Piaggio Liberty stigao je u Piaggio prodajne salone. Novi agregati, nova ergonomija, novi sustavi aktivne sigurnosti te nova elegantna linija usklađena s visokim kotačima, koji mu daju dinamičku sigurnost karakterističnu za skutere više klase. Nakon 18 godina i više od 900.000 vozila, Piaggio Liberty ponovo je rođen kao vozilo koje u potpunosti zadovoljava prohtjeve današnjih vozača. Superiorne kvalitete, lagan, ali izdržljiv, besprijekornih performansi i opremljen najnovijom tehnologijom. Vozače će osvojiti novi, tehnološki napredni agregati, mala težina, jednostavnost korištenja, i ... Pročitaj nastavak
At the Motor Bike Expo of Verona (22-24 January) Ducati will be exhibiting a further addition to its XDiavel cruiser world, the all-new "draXter". This "concept bike" interprets the XDiavel world from a sports viewpoint. The project was developed by the Ducati Style Center's Advanced Design area, a section dedicated to exploring the future style and design concepts of Ducati bikes. Their ideas and sketches have allowed the Ducati prototype department to come up with the "draXter", starting from a ... Pročitaj nastavak
Ducati je ušao u Cruiser segment učinivši to na sebi svojstven način. Kao što je i za očekivati od Ducatija, stvoren je motocikl vrhunskog dizajna, tehnologije i performansi. Ime mu je XDiavel, a spaja dva svijeta, Cruiser svijet malih brzina, opuštene vožnje, dugih putovanja, položaja na motociklu s nogama naprijed i Ducati svijet karakterističan po talijanskom stilu, filigranskom inženjeringu i nenadmašnim performansama. XDiavel jamči uzbuđenje malih brzina tipično za Cruiser motocikle i adrenalin svojstven svakom Ducati motociklu. Upravo "X" u ... Pročitaj nastavak
KTM’s king of the jungle, beating its chest with a hair-raising rumble. Wild on the face of it, but just as refined as the original within. And packing a knockout PowerParts punch. The result is lightweight and tailor-made, with an Akrapovič silencer howling for more and an exclusive paint job screaming for attention. From you, the boss. This model upgrade, only available for a limited period, treats The Beast to a whole host of top quality KTM PowerParts. An Akrapovič ... Pročitaj nastavak
The Aprilia RSV4 R-FW (Factory Works) Misano is the MotoGP bike you can actually buy. The 230+ horsepower beast is almost completely identical to the one raced in World Superbike, and isn’t really much different from the full fledged MotoGP race bike. The RSV4 R-FW Misano enters at the top of the five model RSV4 range, which now allows race teams and enthusiasts alike to purchase an RSV4 appropriate to any and every 1,000cc class they wish to race in. ... Pročitaj nastavak
Ducati Corse is delighted to announce that two-time MotoGP World Champion Casey Stoner will return to the Italian manufacturer next year in the role of brand ambassador and test rider. Casey Stoner won the 2007 MotoGP World Championship on the Ducati Desmosedici GP with ten wins in eighteen races, results that also helped the Italian manufacturer to clinch the Constructors' title. Between 2007 and 2010, Casey won a total of 23 races for Ducati. The 30-year-old Australian from Southport (Queensland), ... Pročitaj nastavak
Sixty2. New pop icon. Sixty2 is a Ducati Scrambler inspired by the youth culture of skateboarding, surfing and pop music. That's why Sixty2, the most “popular” Ducati Scrambler of all time, is the new "pop icon“. The design, a highly expressive version of the Ducati Scrambler, finds a new form in its steel tank with integrated fuel tank cover. The graphics and the dedicated logo make it immediately recognizable, as well the three exclusive colors: Atomic Tangerine, Ocean Grey and ... Pročitaj nastavak