
Since its founding in 1926, Ducati has been characterized by one thing above all else: Authentic Italian Performance. To celebrate the 90 years in which the company has grown to be the world's premier manufacturer of sport motorcycles, the new 1299 Panigale S Anniversario sets a new performance benchmark, with the style and sophistication that sets Ducatis apart. The 1299 Panigale S Anniversario is a strictly limited edition of 500 examples worldwide. Each bike features a special, machined billet aluminium ... Pročitaj nastavak


Harley on Tour, Harley-Davidson Zagreb svim vozačima motocikala nudi mogućnost da testiraju jedan od 23 Harley-Davidson modela motocikala. Besplatne demo vožnje biti će organizirane za javnost 25. i 26.06. 2016. na parkiralištu King Cross Jankomir, Velimira Škorpika 34, Zagreb. Za predstavnike medija probne vožnje su bile organizirane u petak, 24.06. 2016. pa smo se s zadovoljstvom odazvali te isprobali nekoliko modela, među kojima FLSTF 103 Fat Boy i V-Rod Muscle. Ovo je sjajna prilika, budući da svi zainteresirani imaju na ... Pročitaj nastavak


Turismo Veloce is the boldest bike ever made by MV Agusta. This time we didn't take our inspiration from our 75 world titles or our legendary riders to set new speed or power records. We did, however, accept a challenge that was perhaps even more difficult, at least for us who feel at home on the track and are often the first to see the chequered flag flying: to make an MV Agusta touring bike The fact that it is ... Pročitaj nastavak


Odabrani prodavatelji Piaggio Grupe posjetili su sjedište Piaggio Grupe u Pontederi povodom dolaska na tržište novog skutera Piaggio Medley. Zajedno s prodavateljima iz ostalih europskih zemalja, prošli su prodajnu obuku tijekom koje im je detaljne informacije o proizvodu prenio tim ljudi zaslužan za dizajn i razvoj novog skutera Piaggio Medley. Posjet su iskoristili i za upoznavanje s proizvodnim procesima u pogonima Piaggio tvornice, kao i posjet Piaggio muzeju u kojem se čuva impozantna kolekcija povijesnih Vespa modela, počevši od prototipa ... Pročitaj nastavak


Well, well, well XDiavel is the first true cruiser from the Ducati. So far there was Diavel that was more in the area of power-cruiser meets naked philosophy, and now there is a true cruiser from Ducati that all the custom-cruiser fans were waiting for. All Ducati motorcycles have this special sporty character which is a part of the charm and Ducati charisma, XDiavel is a cruiser but the sporty spirit and the charisma are present. Letter X stands for ... Pročitaj nastavak


The Monster S4RS Tricolore was made in limited edition of only 400 made. S4RS Tricolore was the flagship of the Monster family in the year 2008 and still today, it is one of the most beautiful high performance motorcycles you can find. Its Italian design heritage is expressed by the colours of the Italian flag and its sporting heart could not be better represented than by the racing technology and absolute racing performance it embraces. The liquid-cooled, 4-valve per cylinder, ... Pročitaj nastavak


The KTM 1290 Super Duke GT sets new performance standards: 173hp and a weight of only 228kg (ready to ride - fully fueled) produce a power-to-weight ratio previously unheard of in this class. The dynamics are stunning. At the same time, the powerful and cultivated engine enables either particularly relaxed riding or, if required, super-sporty propulsion – with every conceivable level in between. The chassis combines lightness with outstanding geometry and suspension, which, together with every electronic riding features we ... Pročitaj nastavak


Tricolour, gold and that Number 1: the fairings of the campionissimo evoke the exhilarating world of racing and the atmosphere of the tracks where the legend of the unbeatable MV Agusta Grand Prix bikes was born. Bikes that made Giacomo Agostini a motorcycling legend and have now re-emerged from the past thanks to the most faithful replica ever: the F3 800 AGO, packed with unsurpassed technology that provides jaw-dropping performance and unparalleled riding pleasure. Electronic engine and traction control play ... Pročitaj nastavak


We decided to make an addition to Aprilia Pegaso Strada Hard Test since our last test in the September 2014., so we made some serious big service maintenance 70.000 km. As always, the service maintenance was performed by highly experienced mechanic Miroslav Oslaković who has long history with Aprilia and other machines. We wont repeat the basics about Pegaso Strada 650 so if you want to know more you can read the previous test from 2014. What was done? Our ... Pročitaj nastavak


Fat bikes su vrsta bicikla koji omogućavaju vožnju po površinama na kojim prethodno to nije bilo moguće. Fat bikes postoje već skoro desetljeće no dio biciklističkog mainstreama su postali tek unazad dvije godine zbog svoje svestranosti i uporabe u ekstremnim utrkama. Prednosti bicikla s debelim gumama su: veći grip zbog same veličine guma i zbog mogućnosti vožnje s nižim pritiskom tlaka u gumama što uzrokuje da veća površina gume dolazi u kontakt s podlogom, u uvjetima snijega ili na pješčanim ... Pročitaj nastavak


Nakon duge pauze od osam godina u Zagreb se vratio Auto Show. Tijekom šest dana Auto Show je posjetilo oko 140.000 posjetitelja, s obzirom na to da su posjetitelji bili iz cijele Hrvatske i susjednih zemalja ipak se radi o respektabilnoj brojci, čak i u usporedbi s nekim državama koje imaj jaku auto-moto industriju poput Njamačke i Italije. U segmentu automobila mogli su se pogledati modeli koji su do sada bili prikazani samo u Ženevi, poput Rimčeva Concep-S-a, Seat Atece, ... Pročitaj nastavak


The emotion has only one name: Benelli TNT R. A real gem for performance and style, a motorcycle with strong character, able to conquer the genuine bikers. TNT R is a delight for those who wants to enjoy riding a two wheels, where find a unique feeling. With its oversquare 1131cc triple cylinder engine producing 158 hp (116 kW) at 10,200 rpm and 120 Nm (12.2 kg/m) at 8,400 rpm, the TNT R is truly one of the most exhilarating ... Pročitaj nastavak

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